2 August 2017

Counting down the days...

At the time of writing this we have 12 days left till camp starts!  We are all super excited for this year's camp and look forward to seeing familiar faces and new ones too!

Some important things to remember -
  • Each camper is asked to bring along a dozen pieces of baking and hand it in at the time of registration.  If you want your container back, please label it and remember to pick it up at the end of Friday's coffee social.
  • Since camp registration is from 1:00 to 2:00 please make sure you have eaten some lunch before your arrival.  Summer tends to mean sleeping in and eating meals later and we have had some pretty hungry kids by dinner time on the first day because of missed lunches!
  • Friday morning coffee social begins at 11:00 am.  Please respect this time and understand that coming earlier than that can make it difficult for all of us to do our jobs before the coffee social is supposed to start.  We will all be busy with cleaning up our rooms and the facilities as well as setting up and preparing for parents to arrive.  
  • We are excited to treat you all to a singing performance and a beautiful slide show highlighting all the activities of the week.  You won't want to miss this!  The program will be short and sweet though so you can be on your way by 12:00!
There will be an email sent out to parents with some more information as well as requests for food donations in the next week or so!


18 April 2017

Registration is Open!

Sunset Point Teen Camp is for students currently in Grade 7 to 9 who are members of the Canadian Reformed or United Reformed churches anywhere in Alberta.

It is 5 days of faith, fun and fellowship!  Campers will learn and grow in their faith, have a tonne of fun and make new friendships while being lead and supported by a group of fantastic volunteers.  You will be well-fed and exhausted ;)

Sunset Point is in the beautiful small town of Alberta Beach and is situated across the road from the lake.  It is a Pentecostal Bible Camp that we rent for one week.  If the lake is clean we can swim in it but other than that we stay on the camp ground for the entire time. 

We are also recruiting volunteers to help make this week a success so please check out the "volunteer" tab and sign up!!

3 February 2017

Planning has begun!

The dates for this year's camp are August 14-18.  Currently we are recruiting some more committee members to help with planning and hopefully some new ideas.  If you are in the Edmonton / Neerlandia / Barrhead area and want to help, please contact one of the current committee members. 

Trixie Leffers
Sylvia Vandenhaak
James vanden Hoven
Christy Kippers
Judith DeJong
Corlisa Pietersma