
Aug 12-16

Many volunteers are needed to make camp a success!!  Please read through the list and see what position appeals to you.  If you have any more questions about that position, please don't hesitate to contact one of us!  All volunteers must be a member of the Canadian Reformed or United Reformed churches of Alberta.

2 or 3 Registration Volunteers - Filled You would be there on Monday from 12:00 to 2:30 to help guests register, hand out their shirts, and find their rooms. 

2 or 3 Clean-up Volunteers Filled - You would be there Friday from 10:30 to 1:00 to help us with the coffee social and clean up. 
18 to 22 Counsellors - We currently still need 3! Male and female (age 19 and up, but we may take younger counsellors on a case-by-case basis) to be there from Monday noon till Friday noon. You will be given a partner to work with and a group of 10 teens (male and female).  You will lead your group through the week, lead team devotions in the evenings, and will be assigned various other small jobs. 

1 - 2 Kitchen Coordinators Filled - You will be given a menu and instructions but will also be able to give input and make changes if needed.  You will be asked to take care of picking up all the groceries ahead of time as well as arranging pick up for things you aren't able to get ahead of time. You must be able to commit to being there the whole week. Christy Kippers will show you the ropes. 

6 - 8 Kitchen Staff per day Filled - You must be 18 or over and can come for the whole week or part of the week or even just one day if that works for you. 

2 Kitchen Clean up Thursday 2:00 to 8:00 pm only Filled- We just need a couple extra hands to help with the big clean up in the kitchen!  

1 Photographer Need help for Monday and Tuesday - You would need to be there for the whole week.  You will be given a list of what things need to be photographed but will pretty much be snapping pictures the whole time.  You will also be putting together a slide show for the parents coffee social on Friday morning.  The slide show would have to be worked on every evening.  

1 Games Coordinator Filled- This is a more part time position but you are still required to be there the whole week.  You would be organizing games; some would be games we have done in the past years and you can introduce some new ones.  You would also organize the sports tournament and the incredible chase.  You would be given lots of guidance as to how this has been done in the past but also lots of freedom to do things differently.  

1 Games Coordinator's assistant Filled - assistant to the games coordinator - ^see above^ 

1 Music Leader Filled(preferably plays guitar but piano works too) - This is also a part time position but you must be there the whole week too.  You would lead the singing part of devotions at every meal as well as the campfire songs.  You would lead and teach the theme song for the week as well as at the talent night and Friday morning coffee social.  There are song books provided that have been used in past years with both praise and worship songs as well as fun camp songs. 

All volunteers stay at the camp and are included in all meals free of charge!  (although we appreciate donations to help cover costs if you are able) Volunteers (if committed to 3 or more full days) will also receive a $25 discount when registering their own children (or it can be applied to their own sibling.)

*Please note: volunteer counsellors must provide a criminal record check with 'vulnerable sector check'  which can be obtained at your local police station.  You can request a letter from us to give to them so that there will not be a fee for this. If you have obtained a check in the last year (and you have been a member of the Canadian or United Reformed Church for at least the last two years) you can give a copy of that instead. Record checks take about 2 weeks to complete and must be submitted ASAP.  thanks

Please contact James Gordon if you have any questions about volunteering  (See "contact us")  

Thanks so much for volunteering!  Camp can not run without you!!

Follow this link to sign up: Volunteer Sign Up

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