Sunset Point Teen Camp 2022 ~ Rules
- You must wear modest clothing. Nothing skimpy, too short or too tight and no biker shorts or spaghetti straps. If clothing is not deemed modest, campers will be asked to change or put something over top. Swim suits for the water fight should not be bikinis or speedos. Tankinis are allowed and if you just don’t have any swim stuff that’s not skimpy, just wear shorts and a tank over top.
- No electronic devices: cell phones, music players, games (Only cameras are permitted.) All electronic devices will be confiscated until the end of camp.
- You must stay within the designated boundaries of the camp as stated by your camp organizers and counsellors.
- No public displays of affection.
- Keep your room tidy – there will be daily room checks.
- Be respectful of camp property. Do not pop out the screens in the windows. You will be required to pay for any damages you incur.
- Do not leave your room after lights out (except to use the washroom)
- You may not switch bedrooms throughout the week.
- Do not bring your own snack food along to camp. There will be plenty of good food provided for you.
- Do not take food into your room. Water bottles are allowed in your rooms.
- Absolutely NO energy drinks (monster, red bull, etc.), cigarettes, alcohol, or street drugs allowed at camp.
- The purpose of this camp is to grow in faith, make new friends, build each other up, and have a good time. For the sake of everyone’s enjoyment, keep this in mind during your entire stay at camp. Bullying will not be tolerated!
If you do not abide by these rules, your parents will be contacted and consequences will be discussed up to and including removal from camp.
I, (camper) ______________________ have read and understood the above rules. I agree to abide by these rules during my stay at camp.
Signature ______________________________ Date _________________
I, (parent or legal guardian)________________________ have read, understood, and discussed the above rules with my child.
Signature ______________________________ Date _________________
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